Original post: http://www.funkism.net/2010/02/guest-chart-alex-egan.html
Words: Pablo
guest chart: alex egan
month we’ve got a very special guest doing our charts, not just for
February, but also as a recommendation of acts to keep an eye on
throughout the rest of the year. Alex Egan, one half of Skulljuice, one whole of Astronomer,
and possibly a few other aliases that will soon come to light, shows us
a selection of five records that highlight some of the current
genre-blurring taking place within electronic music. It could be argued
that this also reflects in his own sound with diverse mixes for Late of
the Pier, The XX and Clouded Vision, which just proves one of the many
reasons why we’re hyped to hear Alex is busy in the studio again. In
March, we can expect two brand new releases for Jori Hulkkonen (Turbo
Records) and Glasser (Young Turks) in addition to some Silver Columns,
Au Revoir Simone and Lo-Fi-Fnk remixes to come later in the year.
Alex Egan’s Guest Chart for 2010:
01. Roll The Dice – Roll The Dice (Digitalis)
This album basically came out of nowhere and blew me away. Really
beautiful stuff, allegedy recorded over 2 years ago but finally pressed
up with amazing artwork this year. Essential.
02. Pilooski – AAA (Rvng Intl.)
Yet another brilliant Pilooski edit. I’ve had the vocals stuck in my
head since the first time I heard it. Cool etching on the B-side too.
Shame it’s the last Rvng Of The Nrds 12", loved the series.
03. Locussolus – Gunship/Little Boots (International Feel)
The legend that is Harvey is behind this 12". Both tracks are
incredible! How often do you get a record with both sides being so
different but so good?
04. Logo – La Vie Moderne (Kitsune)
Logo are definitely ones to watch this year. They’ve only made a handful
of tracks and remixes so far, but they’re all great. Big sounding but
with a strangeness to them I love. Their debut 12" La Vie Moderne is out soon on Kitsune. Check out Wxyz, Junocide and Loto in the meantime.
05. DyE – Cristal D’Acier EP (Tigersushi)
Another great EP from DyE. The title track is quite unusual, kind of
glacial vocodered space-disco. Great stuff! I thought his first EP, Imperator,
was weirdly overlooked last year, which is a shame. It was really
forward thinking and experimental, so seek that out too if you can.