Original link: http://www.residentadvisor.net/review-view.aspx?id=11222
Words: Jordan Rothlein
Under the name Astronomer, Alex Egan has been a prolific remixer, lending his musical persona to the likes of The Foals, The XX and Joakim. His latest project, The Draughtsman, might finally let us see Egan in 360 degrees: “Geschmacklos,” presented by the very cool Marketing Music label, is the producer’s highest-profile solo tune yet, and it seems to let loose all the personality he’s stored up in his years spent tinkering in the background.
On this installment of “Geschmacklos,” a certain dweebiness wins the day. The original mix treats us to rolling minimal-ish sound design with hints of nerdy new wave—hardly the coolest track out there, but try telling that to your feet, which, if you look down, are likely going nuts. The Draughtsman doesn’t dwell on any one combination for too long: “Geschmacklos”’s pulse holds steady, but samples and frequency bands drop in and out casually, keeping listeners eternally on their toes. Paris’s Cosmo Vitelli lends a remix (originally featured in Ivan Smagghe’s A Walk in the Woods mix for Tsugi) that comes off more as a live band cover, with angular guitars, peppy drumming and plenty of DFA-style handclaps backing up electronic flourishes cherry-picked from the original.